However, one of them mistook him for another well-known artist – Mikhail Poplavsky.

As Pavel Nikolaevich recounted during the "Breakfast with 1+1" broadcast, while waiting in the airport buffet, several Ukrainian women approached him asking for joint photographs. One of the women, admitting her admiration for his work, started calling her husband by the name Vasily, saying:
"Here’s my favorite, here stands Poplavsky Misha!"
Upon hearing this, Pavel Zibrov was astonished: his distinctive bushy black mustache, for which he is well recognized, was confused by the fan with the image of the "singing rector," who does not have a mustache.

Upon arriving in Kyiv, the artist shared the amusing story with Mikhail Poplavsky himself. The latter, according to Zibrov, could not contain his laughter and even referred to the incident as a "scandal."
"It turns out he is more popular than me if I wasn’t recognized even by my mustache!" – Pavel Nikolaevich humorously commented.