Experienced agronomists recommend planting companion crops that enhance zucchini growth and protect them from pests.

Best companion plants for zucchini:

Beans — these nitrogen-fixing plants naturally enrich the soil, stimulating zucchini growth and boosting yields. Additionally, they help suppress weeds, reducing competition for nutrients.

Garlic: its strong aroma acts as a natural pest deterrent against aphids. It also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, improving soil health and benefiting zucchinis.

Radishes — thanks to their compact root system, they help aerate the soil, preventing root compaction. They also repel root worms that can cause damage.


Corn — the tall stalks of corn provide shade, protecting zucchinis from overheating and helping to retain moisture in the soil, which promotes better fruit development.

Plants to avoid near zucchinis:

Squash, cucumbers, and other types of gourds — these plants compete for water and nutrients, and they share common pests and diseases, increasing the risk of infection.

Pepper — like zucchinis, peppers require similar resources, leading to competition for vital nutrients.

Potatoes — they deplete the soil of essential minerals, leaving zucchinis without the necessary resources for healthy growth.

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