Students who meet the following criteria are eligible for a deferment from mobilization:

Students enrolled in full-time or dual education programs.

Those pursuing vocational (technical) education, professional higher education, or higher education.

The deferment applies only to students obtaining a higher level of education than their previously acquired degree.

Additionally, students who transfer from one course to another during holidays retain their right to deferment, provided they remain within the same educational level.

The following groups are not eligible for deferment and may be mobilized:

Students in evening or part-time education programs: those studying in programs with incomplete study days.

Мобилизация молодежи

Students pursuing a second higher education at the same or a lower level than their previous qualifications.

Individuals expelled from their educational institution for refusing general military training.

Students transitioning to a new level of education, such as moving from a bachelor's to a master's program, lose their right to deferment.

Moreover, graduate students face additional restrictions. In 2025, only those enrolled in state (budget) programs will be eligible for deferment. Those studying under self-financing (contract) schemes are not entitled to exemption.