These parasites pose a threat not only to pets but also to humans, transmitting dangerous diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. While treating the area with chemicals is an option, it is not always effective, as ticks can migrate from neighboring areas. A great solution is to use natural defenders—plants that possess repellent properties.

Which plants can help eliminate ticks?
Some ornamental and aromatic plants release substances that are unpleasant for ticks. Planting them in your area will not only enhance the landscape but also create a natural barrier against pests.
1. Mint — the aromatic defender
Mint is well-known for its refreshing properties and is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. However, few are aware that its strong aroma repels many insects, including ticks. Plant mint around the perimeter of your property or near resting areas to gain not only protection but also a source for tea and refreshing drinks.
2. Tanacetum — the natural insecticide
Tanacetum contains essential oils that are components of many commercial insecticides. This plant not only repels ticks but also helps protect other garden crops from pests. Additionally, tanacetum is used in traditional medicine for making infusions and decoctions.
3. Rosemary — the aromatic insect repellent
Rosemary is not just a spice for dishes but also a powerful remedy against ticks. Its rich pine scent is unappealing to these insects, and the essential oils present in its leaves make the plant an ideal natural repellent. Rosemary can be grown in open soil or in pots, strategically placing them in important locations.

How to properly plant repellent plants?
To achieve maximum effect, place these plants along pathways, at the entrance to your home, around gazebos, and in areas where children and pets frequently spend time. They can be planted in open soil or in containers, allowing for easy relocation around the property as needed.