Just a few steps, and the bushes will be covered with robust flower stalks, and by June, you will harvest sweet, juicy berries.

Клубника, изображение из свободных источников

1. Awakening the Bed

First, remove all dry and damaged leaves, old runners, and debris. Leave only the young rosettes, as they will yield a bountiful harvest. Then, gently loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm to break up the hard crust and allow oxygen to reach the roots.

2. "Shock" Fertilization for Growth

To ensure the strawberries quickly enter the active growth phase, they need nourishment. Dissolve 30 g of nitroammophoska in 10 liters of water and water the plants (0.5 L per bush). This mixture contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—elements essential for developing a strong root system and producing new leaves.

3. Second Stage: Setting Flower Buds

After a week, fertilize the bushes with a solution of potassium nitrate (20 g per 10 L of water). Potassium will accelerate the formation of flower buds, while nitrogen will support the growth of greenery.

Клубника, изображение из свободных источников

4. Magnesium and Boron for Perfect Set

Once the first buds appear, carry out a foliar feeding: dissolve 15 g of magnesium sulfate and 3 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water, then spray the bushes. Magnesium will enhance photosynthesis, and boron will prevent empty flowers and berry deformation.

5. Protection from Spring Frosts

If sharp cold snaps are possible in March, help the strawberries cope with stress using calcium nitrate (25 g per 10 L of water). This solution will strengthen plant cells and increase their frost resistance.

6. Disease Prevention

If suspicious spots appear on the leaves, it may be a fungal disease. Before flowering, treat the bed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 10 L of water)—this will help prevent the spread of infection.


7. Final Touch – Mulching

Once the soil warms up, mulch the bed with straw or cover it with black agrotextile. This will help retain moisture, prevent weed growth, and create ideal conditions for flowering and fruiting.