The secret to a bountiful harvest lies in what is most often discarded — regular newspaper.

Газеты, фото из свободных источников

This surprising method works due to the unique properties of newspaper: it retains moisture, suppresses weed growth, and creates ideal conditions for bulb development. Let’s explore how to effectively use recycled paper for a rich harvest.

Preparing the Bed: Let the Newspaper Work for You

Two weeks before planting onions, cover the bed with 4–5 layers of newspaper, lightly sprinkle soil on top, and thoroughly water it.

What happens next?

  • The paper becomes soggy, creating a favorable environment for earthworms, which aerate the soil.
  • The newspaper suppresses weeds, preventing them from reaching sunlight.
  • Moisture is retained longer, which is especially important during hot summers.

Огород, лук, изображение из свободных источников

Planting Onions: Convenience and Protection

When it’s time to plant, make small cross-shaped cuts in the newspaper and place the onion sets in them. The onion roots will easily break through the damp paper, while weeds will be left without access to light and nutrients.

This method acts as natural mulch:
✔️ The soil remains moist even in dry weather.
✔️ Onions are protected from drastic temperature fluctuations.
✔️ Bulbs grow evenly, and their necks remain thin, preventing rot during storage.

Enhancing the Effect: Small Tricks

To improve results, sprinkle wood ash on the bed before laying down the newspaper. It is rich in potassium — an essential element for growing strong and healthy onions.

Additionally, newspaper contains cellulose, which, when decomposed, becomes food for beneficial bacteria. These microorganisms release humus, enriching the soil with nitrogen.

Газеты, фото из свободных источников

Conclusion: Larger Onions, Richer Harvest, and Cleaner Beds

Gardeners who have tried this method assert that the bulbs become 30% larger, are less prone to diseases, and storage of the harvest goes smoothly.

And the best part — no chemicals! When the season ends, simply turn over the bed: the newspaper will fully decompose and turn into natural fertilizer.