It seems like the perfect solution, as there is plenty of sunlight. However, it's not that simple! Some plants may not only fail to thrive but could even perish if placed in what appears to be a favorable spot. Discover which crops should be kept away from windows to avoid wasting your efforts!

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Where do seedlings feel the best?

The optimal choice is to position plants near south-facing windows. They receive maximum sunlight, which is crucial for many crops. However, not everyone has this option. If your windows face north, east, or west, don't worry! Use special reflective materials, mirrors, or foil – they will help compensate for the lack of sunlight and enhance illumination.

But too much sun is also harmful!

Here’s the main mistake: south-facing windows can also be dangerous. The midday sun can literally scorch delicate seedlings. The following are particularly vulnerable:

  • Tomato seedlings
  • Bell peppers
  • Eggplants
  • Cucumbers
  • Some types of flowers

If your plants are bathed in sunlight all day, be prepared for burns, yellowing leaves, and even death.

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How to protect seedlings from solar stress?

  1. Do not place plants in direct sunlight – especially between 12:00 and 15:00.
  2. Use light curtains or blinds – they will soften the intensity of the light.
  3. Move seedlings to a more sheltered location – for example, to a table near the window.
  4. Monitor soil moisture – solar overheating accelerates moisture evaporation, which can lead to root drying.

Not all plants are suitable for life on a windowsill, especially if it faces south. Too bright sunlight can harm them just as much as a lack of it. Therefore, plan the conditions for your seedlings in advance and create a comfortable microclimate for them.