Friday14 March 2025

In Dnipropetrovsk region, medical professionals assisted men in obtaining disability status in exchange for bribes (PHOTOS).

In Dnipropetrovsk region, medical professionals accepted bribes to assist draft evaders in obtaining fake disability certificates.
В Днепропетровской области медики брали взятки за оформление инвалидности мужчинам (ФОТО)

Doctors from one of the district hospitals in the Kamensky region and the regional hospital established a scheme to evade mobilization. Abusing their official duties, the medical professionals issued fake disability certificates for conscripts. This was reported by "Vydomo," referencing the Main Department of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk region and Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the police in Dnipropetrovsk region, the individuals involved held positions as family and specialized doctors. For $5,000 to $7,000, they promised to influence the decision of the medical and social expert commission to obtain a conclusion on establishing a disability group, which provided grounds to avoid military service.

As per the regional prosecutor's office, a family doctor from one of the hospitals in the region, along with a neurologist and an accomplice, demanded and received $500 for a fake MRI report with a fictitious diagnosis. Based on this, the patient was supposed to receive an official conclusion from the medical commission about unfitness for military service due to disability.

Additionally, they arranged for a fictitious inpatient treatment for the patient, as if he had undergone all necessary examinations, treatments, and rehabilitation.

The criminal conspiracy of the doctors was uncovered by the USS police in Dnipropetrovsk region under the procedural guidance of the Zhovtovodsk district prosecutor's office of Dnipropetrovsk region. The police conducted sanctioned searches at the residences and workplaces of the suspects.

During the searches, investigators seized documentation, rough notes, money, computer equipment, and vehicles from the suspects.

Two medical professionals and their accomplice were notified of suspicion under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Part 2 of Article 28, Part 3 of Article 369-2 (abuse of influence committed by a group of persons by prior agreement)
  • Part 3 of Article 332 (illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine)
  • Part 3 of Article 354 (bribery of an employee of a company, institution, or organization).

The prosecutor submitted a petition for their detention.

The pre-trial investigation is being conducted by investigators of the Kamensky district police department of the Main Department of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk region, with operational support from the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine.