The bill aims to ensure the strict targeted use of state funds for the payment of utility services. Beneficiaries will be required to pay their utility bills monthly using the state assistance they receive.

Main provisions of the bill:

In 2024, 17.2 billion UAH has been allocated for subsidies for housing and utility service payments.

It is also noted that as of August 1, 2024, the total debt of beneficiaries for utility services amounted to 732.9 million UAH.


It has been reported that after this date, more than 17,000 citizens applied for benefits, despite collectively owing nearly 53 million UAH in unpaid utility bills.

Currently, subsidies are only granted to citizens without debts for utility services, but this condition does not apply to benefits. Consequently, some beneficiaries are accumulating debts while continuing to receive payments from the state. The proposed law aims to address this inconsistency, ensuring that financial assistance is used appropriately and that debts do not continue to accumulate.

If adopted, these measures could lead to the suspension of benefit payments for those who do not regularly pay their utility bills.