One of the most effective fertilizers consists of simple and readily available components, yet it delivers remarkable results: the berries grow large, juicy, and sweet.

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Proven Recipe for Nutrient Solution

To prepare the fertilizer, you will need:

  • a 10-liter bucket filled one-third with hot water;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of boric acid;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of potassium permanganate;
  • 14 drops of iodine;
  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

Step-by-Step Preparation Instructions

  1. Dissolve the boric acid and potassium permanganate in hot water, stirring thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  2. Fill the bucket with cold water to reach the full volume.
  3. Add the iodine and ammonia, and mix thoroughly again.

Preparing Strawberry Beds

Before applying the fertilizer, it is essential to conduct spring treatment of the plants:

  • Remove dry, old, and damaged leaves.

  • If necessary, perform light pruning of the bushes to improve air circulation and light access.

Клубника, изображение из свободных источников

How to Properly Water Strawberries with Fertilizer

The prepared solution should be applied under each bush in an amount of approximately 400 ml. Within just a few weeks after treatment, the plants will noticeably accelerate their growth, start to bloom profusely, and produce large, sweet berries.

This simple yet effective method will significantly enhance the quality and quantity of your harvest without the need for expensive chemical products.