Over time, a passion may fade, leaving only one question: how can you distinguish a true connection from a temporary attachment? The universe sends us signs that help us understand whether what lies before us is our destiny.

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Here are seven key signs to pay attention to.

1. Prophetic Dreams

One of the main signs of a fateful meeting is prophetic dreams. In dreams, images of your future partner may appear. These are hints from higher powers preparing you for an important encounter. Often, these dreams seem insignificant, but they hold important messages. If you dreamt of someone and then met them in real life, it’s worth considering—perhaps this is destiny.

2. Sense of Familiarity

When you meet your person, there’s a feeling as if you have known them your entire life. This sensation is akin to looking into a mirror: in their character, mannerisms, and habits, you see something painfully familiar. This phenomenon creates comfort and quick understanding, as if your souls have been acquainted for a long time.

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3. Déjà Vu Effect

The déjà vu effect is another sign of a fateful connection. You may feel as though you have met this person before or shared moments with them in past lives. This sensation is like completing a puzzle—suddenly everything falls into place, and your life gains a new wholeness.

4. Amazing Coincidences

Fate reveals itself through small yet significant coincidences. You might share the same names, important dates, or favorite places. Your first meeting could occur under unusual circumstances that later seem predestined. Shared interests, life views, and habits all suggest that your paths have been “stitched” together by an invisible thread.

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5. Loss of Sense of Time

When you are with the person meant for you, time seems to cease to exist. You can talk for hours without noticing how the minutes fly by. With this person, you experience a sense of peace and harmony; you don’t want to part ways, and every minute spent together becomes precious.

6. Feeling of Predestination

If someone is your destiny, you feel that everything in life makes sense. It’s as if you have always been searching for them, and they have finally appeared. With such a partner, obstacles and disagreements become trivial, and the relationship develops easily and naturally.

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7. Repeating Numbers

Signs from the universe often manifest through numbers. Repeating combinations like 11:11, 22:22, or 12:21 may frequently appear before you meet your destiny. These numerical messages indicate that you are on the right path and preparing for an important event in your life.

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Listen to your heart, analyze what’s happening, and don’t ignore the signs from the universe. Perhaps your destiny is already close—you just need to open your eyes and heart to see it.