One of these traditions pertains to cleaning: some support the idea of a thorough cleaning, while others advise against it on December 31st. Let's explore whether cleaning on the last day of the year is harmful and what superstitions are associated with this day.

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Superstitions of December 31: what to do and what to avoid

Common beliefs suggest that December 31 holds a special energy. Mistakes made on the last day of the year can impact the upcoming year. Here are the actions to avoid:

  • Do not sweep or wash floors — it is believed to "sweep away" good fortune.
  • Throwing out trash is considered unfavorable.
  • Avoid borrowing money or leaving debts for the next year — this can bring financial difficulties.
  • Washing clothes is not recommended.
  • Avoid sewing or using needles.
  • Breaking things or smashing dishes is seen as a bad omen.
  • Buying or repairing shoes is discouraged.
  • Do not share your deepest wishes.
  • Arguments and grievances may linger for a long time.

Thus, anything that could negatively affect the energy of your home or irritate you should be avoided on this day.

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