Sunday09 March 2025

As part of the collaboration with the IMPEL Network, a delegation from Ukraine's State Ecoinspection visited the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

As part of a fruitful partnership between the State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine (SEI) and the IMPEL Network, an agreement was reached during the recent conference held in Prague (Czech Republic) in support of Ukraine. The Ukrainian delegation, led by Acting Chairperson Igor Zubovich, agreed to organize a series of training visits for SEI employees to facilitate experience exchange, aimed at preparing them for the implementation of EU norms and standards in Ukraine.
Визит делегации Госэкоинспекции Украины в Нидерланды состоялся в рамках сотрудничества с IMPEL Network.

As a future EU member, Ukraine is already in the process of implementing the norms and standards of the European Union. Therefore, the knowledge and skills acquired during the training in Beverwijk, the Netherlands, will be valuable for conducting state ecological supervision (control) to ensure compliance with environmental legislation, particularly in the area of environmental permits.

Participants of the training also learned from the experience of their colleagues at the IJmond Environmental Service (ODIJmond), which has been performing tasks on behalf of fourteen municipalities and the province of North Holland in the field of environmental monitoring and justice since the early 2000s.

Dutch eco-inspectors have extensive powers, including the authority to impose sanctions on companies following the review of various complaints from the public, conducting consultations with citizens and businesses regarding environmental permits, as well as in the areas of fire safety and food and beverage legislation.

The experience of collaborating with representatives from other environmental services and agencies, such as the police, Rijkswaterstaat, fire brigade, GGD Kennemerland, water boards, customs, environmental and transport inspection, social affairs and employment inspection, and the prosecutor's office, is invaluable. After all, it is the combination of knowledge and experience that ensures a quality and reliable service for citizens, entrepreneurs, and companies.

At the same time, representatives of the IJmond Environmental Service (ODIJmond) were interested to hear about the experiences of their colleagues from Ukraine, who are working under the conditions of full-scale military aggression from the Russian Federation, documenting the consequences of Russia's war crimes against the environment and assessing the damage inflicted on the environment.

In accordance with the agreements between the leadership of the State Ecological Inspection and the IMPEL Network Board, the next important visits in the field of EU norm implementation for Ukraine will be organized at the beginning of 2025.